Eco Policy and Opinion




The Path to COP29: How Preceding Meetings Will Shape Climate Negotiations

The 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will occur from November 11 to 22,...

Is the Solution to Clean Drinking Water, Energy, and Oxygen Right Under our Noses?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element on our planet and has the potential to offer us limitless energy, water and oxygen. Alternate Energy Sources must be

Climate Change is a Health Crisis, So Why is Health Adaptation Financing Still Lacking?

From escalating heat-related illnesses to shifting patterns in vector-borne diseases and floods in East Libya, climate change is already taking a toll on global human health and healthcare systems.

Elections 2024 – Saturday Night Live Writers Will Have A Field Day

American Voters Must Add the Environment to Their Ballot-Box Priorities – Sustainability is No Laughing Matter