Eco Policy and Opinion




At COP28: Rising Temperatures Demand a Response to Non-Communicable Diseases

According to a recent report, global warming has surpassed the limits of human survival, posing a significant threat to our well-being and existence.

Pollution Robs Older Adults of Their Independence and Their Health

Environmental concerns play a major role in the lives of our older adults, and pollution can shorten lifespans, decrease independence, and affect overall health.

Sustainability + Health Systems: US and EU Perspectives

While health systems ready themselves to address the emerging health challenges that are resulting from climate change — according to the World Health Organization, “It...

Azerbaijan’s COP29 Gambit: A Green Façade or Catalyst for Change?

From Azerbaijan’s troubling human rights record to its contested actions in Nagorno-Karabakh, the country’s motivations deserve scrutiny. Is this pivot towards sustainability a genuine effort or a strategic play to bolster its international image?