



FBN1 gene, fibrillin 1

The FBN1 gene provides instructions for making a large protein called fibrillin-1. This protein is transported out of cells into the extracellular matrix, which is an intricate lattice of proteins and other molecules that forms in the spaces between cells.

Teaming Up Two Biotech Winners to Fight Cancer: CRISPR and CAR T

Advances in CAR T, a remarkable immunotherapy treatment dubbed a “living drug.” This new therapy genetically modifies a patient’s cells to fight cancer, but current research efforts hope to treat autoimmune diseases, organ damage and more.

Obesity and Exercise Have Opposite Effects on Muscle and Fat

A NEW STUDY SHEDS LIGHT ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO EXERCISE. Physical activity is an important tool for maintaining or restoring good health.

When It Comes to the Future of HLTH – Life Is Not a Las Vegas Roulette Wheel

The Gambling Capital of the World is an Ideal Setting for Health-Sector Predictions