Laboratory Based




Here’s What You Need to Know About BRCA 1 and 2: The Breast Cancer Genes

Her mother died of breast cancer. Her aunts and cousins developed breast cancer at a young age. She wanted to avoid the same fate.  We...

Don’t Crystal Ball Patients’ Futures – AI Delivers Accuracy Right Now

Medika Life Talks with Ibex CEO Joseph Mossel on How AI is Changing Pathologists’ Workflow, Output and Professional Satisfaction

Learn About Antibodies and Antigens

Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are proteins made by the body that help fight against foreign substances called antigens.

Is Your Covid Test Being Used to Covertly Harvest Your DNA?

Business and government want your genetic data. They will ensure they get hold of it, one way or another, either in collusion with each other or independently.