Have any of the prominent anti-vaccine voices been proven right over the last year? Covid misinformation defies logic, time an…
A friend of mine in Florida got vaccinated three months ago. He has been battling COVID-19 for more than a…
Is SARS-CoV-2 nothing more than aggressive Influenza, a new breed of Flu. It looks that way and it may be…
The new data shows that babies born to women with Covid-19 demonstrate no increase in low birth weight, difficulty breathing,…
The precise scientific term is “indirect protection” or “community immunity.” This is the protection against infection of a susceptible group…
White coat syndrome, or ‘white coat hypertension’, is a phenomenon whereby patients experience elevated blood pressure when they are in…
Healthcare professionals during the pandemic are in the most challenging and riskiest jobs in these times. Frontline workers provide essential…
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