LA Protestors Shut Down Mass Vaccination Site

Covid denialism just moved to the next level.

The LA Times reported 50 protestors shut down the Dodger Stadium’s mass COVID-19 vaccination site. Vaccine candidates lost their chance to receive the medical care they need.

Now, we face another vaccine-rollout roadblock as protestors work against getting life-saving shots into the arms of those who want them.

Individual liberty is a fundamental American principle. If you don’t want a vaccine, then don’t get it. But personal freedom does not give us the right to harm others.

Preventing another person from the medical care they choose violates philosopher John Stewart Mill’s harm principle. Person freedom stops when actions cause harm to others.

The pandemic presents a Pascal’s Wager. Future historians will determine who chose correctly.


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Dr Jeff Livingston
Dr Jeff Livingston
Jeff is Co-Founder of Medika Life. He is a Board Certified Obgyn and CEO of MacArthur Medical Center in Irving, Texas. He is a nationally recognized thought leader, speaker, writer, blogger, and practicing physician who is considered an expert in the use of social media to educate patients, using new and innovative technology to improve care outcomes and the patient experience.
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