How To Ensure a Superior Patient Experience and Continuum of Care

The patient experience is often overlooked in healthcare.

When it comes to ensuring a superior patient experience and continuum of care in your hospital, it’s the detail that matters.

Every step of the patient journey can have a profound impact on the way in which your patients experience their time in your care, from their check-in to the day of their discharge.

A 2016 report found that hospitals that provide a superior patient experience generate a 50% higher financial performance than average providers[1].

We see every day that higher patient experience ratings are consistently linked to higher hospital profitability. What’s more, your customers are more loyal and your hospital reputation is enhanced, with an increase in referrals.

The patient experience is often overlooked in healthcare.

We developed four holistic assessments which evaluate what is actually happening in your hospital in the following key areas. When looking at your hospital’s patient experience, you could conduct something very similar.

People: Beginning at 4 am until the end of the day, carry out a deep-dive assessment of your patients’ experiences and staff procedures.

Technology: Take a comprehensive review of the current state of technology at your hospital is undertaken. This includes telehealth and telemedicine which are becoming increasingly vital for patients in rural areas to enable them to access care.

Processes: Map out how you will evaluate individual staff roles, treatment procedures, and department practices

Data: Conduct an analysis of disparate, complex data that is carried out to identify the gaps in critical data collection and opportunities for improvement.

These assessments cover the OR, the ER, surgical services, supply chain management, and patient flow, involving your staff and patients at every stage to gain invaluable insight into your patients’ perspectives.

But the patient experience doesn’t end when they leave your hospital.

Continuum of Care Strategies for Hospital Operational Performance

With changes to regulations and reimbursement plans, quality patient care requires strong collaboration across all care settings. A key element of achieving a superior patient experience and improved profitability is an integrated continuum of care strategy.

HIMSS defines Continuum of Care as:
‘A concept involving a system that guides and tracks patients over time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning all levels and intensity of care.’

That can extend from birth to the end of life. HIMSS breaks the care continuum down into seven categories, including wellness, acute hospital care and ambulatory care. As the US population ages, continuum of care will become more critical to ensure no patients are overlooked.

This new reality is a challenge for healthcare organizations as what begins in your hospital no longer ends there. In many cases, pre-hospital care such as blood pressure management is also a critical part of the continuum.

As hospital margins are squeezed, the patient experience and continuum care will become critical strategies to improve your profitability.


Medika Life has provided this material for your information. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider(s). We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with your health care provider. The mention of any product, service, or therapy is not an endorsement by Medika Life

Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller launched VIE Healthcare Consulting in 1999 to provide leading-edge financial and operational consulting for hospitals, healthcare institutions, and all providers of patient care. She has become a recognized leader in healthcare operational performance improvement, and with her team has generated more than $776 Million in financial improvements for VIE Healthcare’s clients. Lisa is a trusted advisor to hospital leaders on operational strategies within margin improvement, process improvements, technology/telehealth, the patient experience, and growth opportunities. She is committed to empowering hospital leaders to achieve their boldest vision and has created the healthcare sector’s only cost savings strategy. Currently, she hosts The Healthcare Leadership Experience — the radio show empowers healthcare leaders to optimize their careers and healthcare organizations.
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