Elon Musk, Futuristic Vision of Educational Innovation for the Beta Generation

Elon Musk personality as someone who doesn’t believe in the impossible

These days, the media are talking about advanced technologies, the speed and emergence of innovations, and especially the stunning speed of development of artificial intelligence technologies. Some believe that the current era is the era of artificial intelligence. Others consider it the cognitive era. Another group believes that we have entered an era called the Beta generation.  Some believe that due to the remarkable and rapid advances in artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, we will see a new generation called the Beta generation.

Unlike the previous generation, which has only lived in the era of artificial intelligence technology, the Beta generation will be the first generation to grow up fully in a world of integrated technology, including autonomous vehicles, health technologies, and pervasive virtual environments. 

Undoubtedly, this new generation, which is the children born in 2025, faces new challenges. 

This group will inherit a world that is grappling with complex challenges such as climate change, rapid urbanization, and changing population dynamics that require adaptation, collaboration, and innovation. Therefore, understanding the potential challenges and anticipating effective solutions for such a period is very much inevitable. As usual, the first and most important step in nurturing such a special generation that will live in a challenging period of human history is educational measures and investing in their proper education. 

Therefore, the traditional and common education system will no longer meet the stated needs of the Beta generation and the current conditions, and perhaps changes or reforms will be necessary to prepare as much as possible not only a generation but all units of society that are responsible for this generation and the conditions and challenges ahead. 

A lot of research has been done on education systems, highlighting the problems of the current systems. These systems may not only not foster creativity and innovation but sometimes suppress higher mental abilities such as creativity and problem-solving. 

For example, George Land and his colleagues designed a landmark experiment for NASA in 1960 that showed that one reason many people are geniuses in childhood but less so in adulthood is the weakness of education and school-solving.

In explanation, traditional schools and educational systems promote convergent thinking and reinforce a single answer to a single problem, while the emergence of creative thinking is based on convergent thinking. 

On the other hand, creative children not only do not thrive in this environment but also become frustrated due to the lack of support from the school for genius and unique answers and the hope of obtaining high scores on common school tests. They may not find the educational environment attractive and leave it! 

It seems that a general solution is to reform the educational environment so that the integration of innovative and flexible methods that give priority to children’s independence, experience, and interests is a correct educational reform that paves the way for the training of modern world actors, who are the children of the Beta generation. Meanwhile, it seems that Elon Musk has an educational idea that has a kind of futurism hidden in it, and he showed it a few years ago by founding the Ad Astra School.

– Elon Musk personality as someone who doesn’t believe in the impossible 

Before anything else, I would like to ask the following question and present my general analysis:

– Why can Elon Musk have an educational idea in addition to the ideas of technologists?

My analysis and impression is that Elon Musk is known not only as a wealthy entrepreneur but also as an innovator, creator of practical ideas, and futurist.

It seems that he is not just an idea generator or supporter of new ideas, but he has repeatedly shown that he is an extremely pragmatic and pragmatic person. A pragmatic person who has the flexibility to actualize his own and others’ ideas, puts them into practice and tries to make access to the future smoother by realizing new ideas. In addition to perfectionism, he has intellectual flexibility. “Impossible” seems to be an unfamiliar word for him. The attractive and effective seasoning of these characteristics is his remarkable hard work.

Therefore, given what was said in the introduction and what I briefly said about Elon Musk’s personality, educational ideas for the new generation that consider the future are not far-fetched.

Elon Musk said    …. We should expand consciousness to the stars so that we may better understand the wonders of creation.

In my opinion, the best way to explore Elon Musk’s educational ideas in this sensitive era is to analyze the structure and nature of the Ad Astra School.

-Ad Astra School Educates the Innovative Generation and Creators of Future Technologies 

In 2014, Elon Musk launched an institution in California near Space x to educate children aged 3 to 9, which seems very different from conventional education and traditional schools from the very novel. Musk’s initial goal in establishing this school was to provide exclusive education for his children and those of his employees.

Therefore, Ad Astra School is an innovative and nontraditional educational process whose main goal is to prepare students to face the real challenges of the world and the future. Instead of following traditional educational systems, this school focuses on developing practical skills, critical thinking and problem-solving, and creativity.

Compared to the regular educational courses, Ad Astra School focuses on teaching subjects such as advanced mathematics, engineering, science, artificial intelligence, programming, ethics, robotics, marketing, and some other practical, real-life skills. Moreover, instead of memorizing material, students do practical projects that involve solving real problems(project-based).In addition, students learn the ability to analyze, think critically, and be creative in solving problems through teamwork. 

It seems that the purpose of this school is to educate students who can succeed in the fast-paced world of technology. Ad Astra tries to cultivate students’ natural curiosity and help them acquire the skills necessary to build a better future. 

Perhaps in those years, Elon Musk and the experts of the founding team of Ad Astra predicted the fast-paced years of advanced technologies of the present and thus designed a school suitable for children of the beta generation. That is why a significant part of the content and structure of Astra is working with modern science and technology. Children are considered small entrepreneurs and masters who have all the possibilities of manufacturing and production, and the role of the educational environment is the role of a guide and provider of the necessary platform! 

Elon Musk’s Ad Astra School exemplifies a futuristic approach to education tailored for the Beta Generation. Its Ad Astra focuses on future-oriented topics and equips students with skills and mindsets to navigate a world shaped by artificial intelligence and advanced technologies.

– Key features and fundamental principles 

What possible approaches or trends have inspired Ad Astra?

In my point of view, like many unconventional trends, this educational transformation has also been influenced by trends with different perspectives. Some of which are old and some of which are future-oriented.

Here is my classification of inspiring ideas:

1- The influence of the Montessori approach as a philosophical approach 

The Montessori method is an educational approach based on active learning that was designed by Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, in the early 20th century. This method believes that every child has a unique potential for learning and growth and that the role of education is to facilitate this natural process.

This method emphasizes that the education system should stop wasting time and teaching unused reserves in real life and wasting time and instead try to educate future citizens and professionals in a way that they know what to do as soon as they enter the real world. This approach is futuristic and believes that education should consider the learner as a problem solver.

According to this perspective, the learners progress at their own pace and in serious activity, and no learner will be passive and forced to acquire knowledge. Knowledge and learning are learner-centered and are the product of the learner’s active interaction with the educational environment. This means that it is based on the learner’s abilities, interests, and needs. In other words, the learner has an active and meaningful role in this educational environment to acquire applied knowledge.

This approach is based on principles such as learner-centeredness, an organized learning environment, and learning and problem-solving through experience and observation. among contemporary scholars, Jean Piaget, Vygotsky, and Gardner have been inspired by the Montessori approach.

2- Artificial Intelligence and a Future-Oriented View of Generation Beta 

It seems that the most effective trigger for the layout and design of such an institution is the rapid advances in advanced technologies in artificial intelligence.

As mentioned in the first part of the article, these days, the requirements of life have changed due to the amazing speed of technological changes. It is better for the heart of any society that educates future generations to accept the responsibility of creating them the power of adaptation and the knowledge necessary to live in the super-modern era.

The Alpha generation has largely experienced these changes but has not yet been immersed in them. However, the Beta generation is expected to be immersed in the leaps of the age of artificial intelligence and large language models. This generation must have the skills to adapt to technology from the very beginning. In other words, the Beta generation is a problem solver and adapts to the rapid changes of this era as quickly as possible.

It is used to describe a new generation that is growing up in a world heavily influenced by artificial intelligence (AI). 

Here is a brief explanation: Generation Beta (AI Age) This term may symbolize a generation that was born or raised during the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, automation, and advanced technology. Key characteristics of this generation can include the following: 

A)  AI-Native Mindset

They are AI natives, who are deeply integrated with the understanding, application, and potential of artificial intelligence. This mindset is shaped by living and working in a world where AI is a natural and ubiquitous part of daily life, decision-making, and creativity.

B) Access to advanced technology:

 They grow up with AI-based personal assistants, robots, and smart environments, influencing the way they learn, communicate, and solve problems. 

 C) They face new challenges and opportunities

 They may face challenges related to privacy, ethics, and automation in the workforce, but also opportunities for creativity and innovation enhanced by AI.

 D) They value evolving social norms: 

With AI deeply embedded in their lives, this generation could redefine ideas about work, identity, and human-AI collaboration. 

 The name Beta generation may suggest a period of experimentation and transition, as this generation could be seen as a prototype for future societies shaped by AI.

Ad Astra’s effectiveness in educating Beta generation 

Ad Astra is likely to be effective for Generation Betas for the following reasons: 

1. Focuses on Problem Solving and Creativity 

– Ad Astra prioritizes problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, which are essential skills for the Beta generation growing up in the age of AI. Instead of traditional classroom learning, the curriculum emphasizes collaborative, hands-on projects and tackling real-world problems, preparing students for a future where AI will perform repetitive tasks. 

2. It has customized learning approaches. 

 – This school rejects traditional age-based grading and standardized testing, opting instead for personalized instruction tailored to each student’s strengths and interests.

 – This aligns with an AI-driven world where adaptive learning and individualization are key to maximizing human potential alongside machines. 

3. Emphasis on Technology and Ethics

 – Students are exposed to cutting-edge technologies including programming, robotics, and artificial intelligence, giving them a head start in understanding and shaping technological advancements.

 – They also explore the ethical dilemmas surrounding technology and develop responsible innovators who can address challenges such as AI bias, data privacy, and the social impacts of automation. 

4. Interdisciplinary Thinking

 – The curriculum integrates diverse disciplines such as science, art, philosophy, and engineering, encouraging students to think across multiple disciplines. This holistic approach is vital for the Beta generation, who will likely work in a world where interdisciplinary skills are essential. 

5. Prepare for a rapidly changing future

 The age of AI requires agility and lifelong learning. Ad Astra fosters a mindset of curiosity and adaptability, helping students thrive in an environment of rapid technological and social change.

– The most key concept of Ad Astra school 

It seems that the most key concept and skill that is considered in ad Astra is synthesis.

This approach, where learners are placed in a situation where they solve complex problems with a set of information, ideas, and different disciplines, reflects the focus on the skill of synthesis in ad Astra School. As mentioned earlier, in such an institution, the main goal is to train and prepare future inventors and creative minds who can solve complex problems in the age of artificial intelligence, build bridges, learn digital marketing, and all this is done in an atmosphere of collaboration and work in small groups and exposed to different perspectives. 

Teachers’ role is to guide the flow of thought indirectly. They act as vigilant observers and try to pave the way for creativity and creative thinking, placing them in teamwork conditions in diverse contexts. In such a context, thinking shifts from preserving reserves to critical thinking and synthesis.

Such conditions in the era of artificial intelligence help solve life challenges and increase adaptability and flexibility.

Benjamin Bloom’s famous taxonomy of educational goals is considered in order from learning the reserves to the lowest level to the highest level, which is creative thinking.

This taxonomy gradually guides learners from simple educational categories to the most complex ones. Creative thinking is the same as synthesis, which combines information innovatively in new situations. In other words, solving problems for which there was no solution before and a skilled learner can create a solution. This skill is a step higher than the ability to analyze topics and problems.

Focusing on the concept and skill of ‘Synthesis’ enhances creativity and transforms learners into future inventors and innovators. Additionally, it helps them prepare for the fast-paced complexities of the technological world. In a world dominated by artificial intelligence, the ability to integrate knowledge with advanced technology is undoubtedly one of the most essential skills for the future generation and a defining characteristic of the Beta generation


 As a pragmatic entrepreneur, Elon Musk has a unique and forward-thinking perspective on the future. This vision has led to the creation of an innovative educational institution. 

The structure and philosophy of this school break from traditional education and align with the fast-paced advancements of the artificial intelligence era. 

 The educational foundation behind this shift draws inspiration from the Montessori philosophy, blending it with modern technologies and teamwork-based learning. The school emphasizes creative skills and critical thinking, as outlined in Bloom’s taxonomy while fostering adaptability to meet the challenges of an AI-driven world. 

 There are even suggestions that this school model may expand further in the future. Musk may have new ideas for revolutionizing education in addition to his groundbreaking work in industry and technology. Only time will tell what impact these innovations might have.

Musk’s futuristic vision for education has recently taken another step forward with the approval of a new school charter in Bastrop County, Texas. 

The school is said to incorporate a Montessori-inspired approach, underlining Musk’s commitment to fostering innovative educational models. His efforts aim to equip future generations, particularly Gen Beta, with the skills and adaptability needed to thrive in an AI-driven era.




– https://search.app/EpmfUVQcM1D4LGde8

– https://search.app/z9WQumHedmnJm7JE7

– https://fortune.com/2024/11/20/elon-musk-ad-astra-school-permit-montessori-bastrop-texas/

– https://youtu.be/kuUG0pQmlwM?feature=shared

– https://www.reformaustin.org/education/elon-musks-ad-astra-school-gets-texas-green-light/

– https://youtu.be/lrBp5BL20Nw?feature=shared

– https://youtu.be/KbowJbyxn64?feature=shared

– https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/elon-musk-is-opening-a-school-called-ad-astra-how-to-get-in/484491

– https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-opening-private-preschool-ad-astra-education-texas-trump-2025-1

– https://www.edweek.org/leadership/elon-musk-is-opening-a-school-for-young-students-heres-what-we-know-about-it/2024/11

– https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19940029213/downloads/19940029213.pdf

 – https://symposium.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Striving-For-More-or-Thriving-With-Less-%E2%80%94-What-We.pdf

– https://twentyonetoys.com/blogs/teaching-21st-century-skills/creative-genius-divergent-thinking?srsltid=AfmBOorjtHDw_j6JpzcXGf2s6ImvFwv_MqQUvalUTXUHk7aOjwpKjR1J


 – https://www.cwilsonmeloncelli.com/creativity-flow-states-nasa-study/

 – https://magazine.lucubrates.com/my-real-story-about-childhood-and-education/


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Atefeh Ferdosipour
Atefeh Ferdosipour
From my early years, I harbored a curiosity for exploring unique, undiscovered, and adventurous realms. Born in Iran, I earned a doctorate in educational psychology, dedicating over twelve years to teaching in higher education. Throughout my journey, I actively participated in numerous international scientific committees, contributing to conference organization. As an editor for various international magazines, I've remained deeply engaged in academic discourse. Presently, my passion revolves around the study and application of modern technology in our daily lives. Specifically, I am immersed in the realms of innovation and artificial intelligence, fueled by the aspiration for a brighter and more joyous future for people worldwide.
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