Press Release




Hepion Pharmaceuticals’ CRV431 Demonstrates Efficacy in Kidney Fibrosis

CRV431 has exerted antifibrotic activity in a number of in vitro and in vivo studies conducted by independent research laboratories

AURA™ adds Protein/Non Protein Identification to Horizon®

Aura revolutionizes biologic stability analysis, enabling simple protein and non-protein aggregate identification in formulation development and analytical testing

Parnell Pharmaceuticals Announces Nomovid™ Antiviral Nasal Spray

The first antiviral nasal spray in the United States. Nomovid™ Nasal Spray will be easy-to-use, low-cost and can be quickly made available over-the-counter for consumers.

Treatment for Schizophrenia and Bipolar I Disorder Gets Vote of Support

The Alkermes ALKS 3831 development program is part of our ongoing commitment to develop new therapeutic options for adults living with serious mental illness.