The Quack Scale




Fact-Checking Geert Vanden Bossche. Cashing in on Covid Misinformation

Geert Vanden Boscche has made outlandish claims about the Covid vaccines and suggested they will end humanity. We debunk his claims with substantive sources.

Dr. Sherrill Sellman on Medika’s Quack Scale

Dr. Sherrill Sellman scores 5 out of 5 on Medika's Quack Scale. She poses a high risk to the general public and we recommend against following any of her advice.

Robert F Kennedy Jnr Appropriates Racism and Apartheid To Fuel Vaccine Fear

Robert F Kennedy Jnr's latest movie, Medical Racism, the New Apartheid is pure appropriation of racism and culture to fuel his aniti-vaccine campaign

Dr. Judy Mikovits on Medika’s Quack Scale

Dr Judy Mikovits scores 5 out of 5 on Medika's Quack Scale. She poses a high risk to the general public and we recommend against following any of her advice.