The Quack Scale




We Call Out Reiner Fuellmich as a Fraud. The Covid Conspirator Investigated

Reiner Fuellmich is the Covid Conspiracy theorist spreading fake news across the internet. We call him out on his latest nonsensical article published recenty.

Fact-Checking Geert Vanden Bossche. Cashing in on Covid Misinformation

Geert Vanden Boscche has made outlandish claims about the Covid vaccines and suggested they will end humanity. We debunk his claims with substantive sources.

The Dirtiest Dozen. Meet The Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Covid Health Grifters

Joseph Mercola, Robert F. Kennedy Jnr,Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Sherri Tenpenny, Rizza Islam, Rashid Buttar, Erin Elizabeth, Sayer Ji and Kelly Brogan, Christiane Northrup, Ben Tapper, Kevin Jenkins, Clay Clark

Exposing America’s Frontline Doctors and Their Financial Empire Built on Hydroxychloroquine

America's Frontline Doctos, founded by Simone Gold is simply a poorly concealed business designed to sell Hydroxychloroquine to gullible consumers