Eco Health




An Honest Explanation of Climate Denial

Lord David Frost recently downplayed the urgency of climate warming mitigation, suggesting that the UK manage this with air conditioning and structural changes to buildings. However, his stance seems dangerously shortsighted with looming threats like disease transmission from the tiger mosquito and potentially catastrophic shifts in weather patterns due to the Gulf Stream's instability. It's critical to approach climate change with the gravity and urgency it warrants, prioritising long-term safety over short-term convenience.

The Ripple Effect of War: Conflict is Shattering the Ukrainian Public Health System

Beyond the Battlefield Citizens Confront a Different Enemy — Despair, Disease and Death

Climate Change May Affect the Winter Blues in Ways Unknown Before

Weather has always been almost predictable, and we know how to dress, what to avoid, and how it will affect us, but maybe not anymore because of climate change.

COP Summits: Milestones on the Path to Climate Justice?

Losing sight of the long game is easy in a world where the media revolves around controversy. In a partisan political environment, tension and...