Eco Health and Related Disease




Plastic Treaty Talks: A Stumble on the Path to Progress

Plastic pollution transcends borders, washing up on remote island shores and infiltrating the deepest ocean trenches.

Climate Change, COP28 and the Ingredients for Accelerated Innovation in the Start-Up Nation

Israeli Leaders in the Forefront of Supporting Climate/Tech Innovation Gather to Share Insights

The Social Innovation Summit is the Other UN Changing the World

Photo Credit Social Innovation Summit: Chelsea Clinton was among the keynotes at this year's Summit. She serves as an executive of the Clinton Foundation and is a noted author.

Is Alzheimer’s Damage Linked to Deadly Pollution of Babies, Not Old Age?

Alzheimer’s disease isn’t a disease of old age; it begins in infancy, possibly even before birth, because of pollution. Pollution, therefore, initiates the death spiral even before children can walk and talk.