



Obesity and Exercise Have Opposite Effects on Muscle and Fat

A NEW STUDY SHEDS LIGHT ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO EXERCISE. Physical activity is an important tool for maintaining or restoring good health.

How Many Pounds You Weigh vs How Fit You Are…

Most of us have gained weight during the pandemic.  Afterall, we’ve been sitting all day doing zoom calls and eating more chips than ever...

The SERPINA1 Gene, serpin family A member 1

The SERPINA1 gene provides instructions for making a protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin, which is a type of serine protease inhibitor (serpin)

StuffThatWorks and The Marfan Foundation to Engage in Pilot Program

joint efforts will form best practices for non-profit health organizations to leverage patient self-reporting with the goal of advancing science, treatment and quality of life.