Stop Owning a Cancer Diagnosis

It’s not from God, so it’s not yours.

Sitting on hold on the phone a few years ago during active cancer treatment to speak to one of my Texas Oncology providers, I was struck with a grave reality listening to the recording that repeatedly played.

It encouraged me to not only accept, but to normalize, and even embrace a cancer diagnosis. I counted how many times the word cancer was repeated as I waited.

Twenty. The words “your cancer” was repeated so many times, my head was swirling.

For cancer treatment to get an ok with the patient, it must first get the patient to be ok with the presence and word cancer; to even give it a home in the thoughts, body, and present awareness.

There is nothing about an adverse health condition that merits giving it permission to take up residence in your body. Disease comes and goes in our lives, but to remain healthy and to stay in perspective of the value and length of life we want, even with the worst physical diagnosis, never do we simply accept a diagnosis and NEVER do we call it our own.

Whether chronic or acute, sickness is not a natural state of the body and does not belong in it.

I have read many a breast cancer patient post on “supportive” websites vehemently owning a breast cancer diagnosis, at the behest and example of their medical providers.

Breast cancer patients are not taught by and large that breast cancer is an unwelcome enemy.

Rather, it is inundated into society for women to expect a diagnosis of breast cancer and then accept it and “fight” it. This is a propaganda technique designed to perpetuate an illness mindset.

Truthfully, there is only ONE fight to be had when it comes to illness, terminal or not and that is the fight to convince your mind that that disease process does not belong in you.

Disease is a separate, dangerous enemy from your body.

As a woman who is still feeling the effects of subsequent treatments and undergoing surgeries post treatment for breast cancer, I can say firsthand that I have lived this truth since diagnosis. I have refused to allow myself to call this attack on my life and purpose my own. It is not from God, so it is not mine.

Our healing is in the unseen, supernatural realm, not in the unseen physical, natural realm. Complete healing is brought into the natural realm through our realizing and believing in the Unseen. The Unseen truths are materialized in the Seen realm through our holding firm to that faith that we possess cancer-free, pain-free and complication-free bodies, spirits and souls (mind, thoughts, emotions, will and all things) in this realm where God our Father lives and has manifested this miraculous freedom from (all) earthly symptoms and diagnoses. Healing is every one of our’s destiny, through faith in His powerful healing desires for us.

No one was destined to be born to die from cancer, addiction, chronic illness, sudden tragedy or ANYTHING else. The Lord, our God, designed us to live long, beautiful lives.

His gentle, but firm command is for us to align ourselves, our thinking and beliefs, with HIS diagnosis of LIFE…not with the enemy’s of Death.

Let every ache and pain be crushed under your feet, under the weight of His promise of complete healing, but stand as a reminder that what we feel (fear, fright, apprehension, ruminations, death visions) is not what we are or where we are going.

Believe this moment that you will live. Looking over your shoulder only in expectation to see great Love running toward you, not to cringe with fear. See your long and healthy life in front of you and begin planning for it.

He has you. He has us.

Believe HIS prescription for health, not Oncology’s for death.❤️


Medika Life has provided this material for your information. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider(s). We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with your health care provider. The mention of any product, service, or therapy is not an endorsement by Medika Life

Christina Vaughn
Christina Vaughn
Medicine, wellness, mental health, addiction, and parenting. See my blog Published Amazon author: Of Death and Brokenness. License number is 175694 with the Texas BON. Graduated from Austin Community College (ACC) in December 1999.
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