
Ethical Dilemmas of Physicians During a Pandemic

The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus has denied all of us the “normal” lives we led before, but, in the…

5 years ago

A Pandemic-inspired Lifestyle: How a virus and MR may change our lives

The physical world of major cities must change. Of this, there is no doubt because technology has opened vast fresh…

5 years ago

INOVIO’s COVID-19 Vaccine Shows Durable Antibody and T Cell Responses

INOVIO's COVID-19 DNA Vaccine INO-4800 Provides Protection with Memory Immune Responses In Non-Human Primates Challenged with SARS-CoV-2 Virus

5 years ago

INOVIO Receives $71 Million Contract From U.S. Department of Defense

CELLECTRA® 3PSP is designed to deliver INO-4800 directly into the skin, where the vaccine prompts the body's immune system to…

5 years ago

SARS CoV-2: A Virus That Does Not Care About Your Opinion

SARS CoV-2 has no desires, intentions, or strategies. The only purpose of this small bit of genetic code is to…

5 years ago

You and Your Child Were Exposed to COVID-19; Now What?

We need to talk about what to do if you’ve been in contact with someone with COVID-19 or begin to…

5 years ago

Will We Call Teachers “Heroes” on Facebook When COVID-19 Strikes?

Can we talk about school teachers? We need to talk now! With 70,000 new COVID-19 daily cases, parents want to…

5 years ago

The Long Arm of COVID19

COVID19 attacks the entire body in its process that affects all the organs in the body in its mechanism causing…

5 years ago

What Are Coronaviruses and How Do They Cause Covid-19

Coronaviruses and how the SARS-CoV-2 strain causes Covid-19. Learn about the evolution of coronaviruses and your risk for covid-19

5 years ago

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