Press Release




Intellihealth Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Leon Igel, Honored as American Diabetes Association Greater New York Research Dinner Medical Honoree of the Year

Renowned Endocrinologist Leon Igel MD, Recognized for Pioneering Work in Diabetes and Obesity Management

A New A.I. Based Solution to Nurse Burn-out and Turnover

What can we do to ensure that those we rely upon to care for us, are being supported in this essential, important work?

First “Global State of Digital Health Report” Tapping into 200 Million Data Points Examines More Than 12,000 Digital Health Ventures Now Available

Breaking Digital Health Report Will Guide C-Suite Entrepreneurs and Private Equity Investment Strategies

HealthTap Introduces Virtual Primary Care that Prioritizes Uninsured and Underinsured Populations in the U.S.

Because HealthTap connects patients with doctors using their dynamic matching technology, it’s extremely efficient and therefore low-cost virtual care