Consumer Safety Pages

Placing your Health and Safety First

We are pleased to offer patients and other consumers a reliable tool for filtering out voices and products that are potentially harmful to your health and in some instances, even life-threatening.

The decision to add a name or product to this list is not taken likely and we can assure you that it, or the person or retailer promoting it, pose a risk to your health. This initiative is part of our MOBILIZE™ Health platform and you can contribute to it by following links on the article pages.


Medika's Quack Scale






It’s Time to Up Our Messaging Game Ahead of Another Winter with COVID

This is not the time to roll out stale messaging delivered by a carousel of health officials trying to convince the public to get the test kits.

Dallas Church Hosts Covid-19 Vaccine Day

The First Baptist Church Dallas is hosting Vaccine Day to promote the Covid-19 vaccine to its congregants.

Proving Vaccine Safety Without Relying on Science

It's the hottest debate of the year. How safe is the Covid Vaccine? Should you get it? What are the risks? What's the point if you can still catch the coronavirus? Why bother if you still need to wear a mask? Will it make you sterile?

Debunking Common Coronavirus and Covid Misconceptions, Myths, Lies, and Fairytales

Debunking Covid myths and conspiracies about masks, vaccines, PCR tests and more. A long list of misinformation rebutted. Want to help counter covid misinformation?

Illinois; Covid Vaccination Resources

Covid Vaccination info for Illinois. If you live in Illinois and qualify for early covid vaccination, the resources on this page will help you find places to get your vaccination if its available.

Tennessee Fires Top Doctor Over Vaccine Policy and She Is Not Holding Back

Dr. Michelle Fiscus, the top vaccine official in Tennessee, was fired for promoting the Covid-19 for teenagers to reduce the risk in schools.

GcMAF, a Cancer Cure Con That Just Refuses to Die, Returns to Cure Covid

GcMAF is a fake cure sold to cure or treat Covid-19, cancer, diabetes, autism, and a host of other diseases. It doesn't work and quacks continue

Monkeypox Outbreak: Stay Vigilant but Let’s Not Get Too Anxious

WHO has declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Is it as bad as COVID?

High Antibody Covid-19 Vaccine Response During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

A large study showed pregnant people have a robust antibody immune response after Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy and lactation.

Medika’s #vaccinechallenge: Add your photos here

Doctors and nurses contribute to Medika's #vaccinechallenge. Enter the #vaccinechallenge and help restore faith in vaccines

Philippines Food Aid Project

Donate now to assist starving children in the Luzon area of the Philippines. Medika has a team on the ground in the Philippines and all aid is immediately distributed.

Reflecting on the Native Americans’ Vaccination Success

With ethnic minorities still lagging in vaccinations in the US, examples, and lessons from Native Americans efforts to vaccinate their communities should be learned from