Consumer Safety Pages

Placing your Health and Safety First

We are pleased to offer patients and other consumers a reliable tool for filtering out voices and products that are potentially harmful to your health and in some instances, even life-threatening.

The decision to add a name or product to this list is not taken likely and we can assure you that it, or the person or retailer promoting it, pose a risk to your health. This initiative is part of our MOBILIZE™ Health platform and you can contribute to it by following links on the article pages.


Medika's Quack Scale






Addressing The Unregulated Costs of Insulin in America

As part of our Insulin4Life project, Medika has created this MOBILIZE™ page to encourage discourse within the medical community on the cost of unregulated pricing and how this impacts access to insulin in America

Unvaccinated Hospital Staff Sues Houston Methodist Over Covid-19 Vaccinations

Employees of Houston Methodist Hospital file a lawsuit over required Covid-19 vaccination saying the vaccine mandate violates the Nurenberg Code.

ROTTEN RETAILERS: Quackery Websites Selling Harmful Health Products

Find out how our Rotten Retailers list works and how we allocate our Rotten Apple's to "Health and Wellness" retailers. A Consumer Safety initiative from Medika and MOBILIZE™ HEALTH

It’s Time to Up Our Messaging Game Ahead of Another Winter with COVID

This is not the time to roll out stale messaging delivered by a carousel of health officials trying to convince the public to get the test kits.

Illinois; Covid Vaccination Resources

Covid Vaccination info for Illinois. If you live in Illinois and qualify for early covid vaccination, the resources on this page will help you find places to get your vaccination if its available.

Medika Welcomes Fiona O’Leary to Our Editorial Team

Medika is thrilled to announce that Fiona O'Leary has joined our team. Fiona is best known for years of medical activism in the fields of autism and quackery.

Drugs are Rapidly Becoming Healthcare’s Greatest Burden

Drugs have become our fallback for almost everything. Practitioners in general are massively guilty of doling them out as a panacea for socially compromised adults. Adults that possess no life skills or coping mechanisms are simply drugged into oblivion.

FDA Approves Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccine for Kids Age 12–15

The FDA expanded the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer messenger RNA Covid-19 vaccine for kids age 12–15 years old.

Independence From COVID Will Only Come With Vaccination

The only way we will truly be independent from COVID is through vaccination.

Debunking Common Coronavirus and Covid Misconceptions, Myths, Lies, and Fairytales

Debunking Covid myths and conspiracies about masks, vaccines, PCR tests and more. A long list of misinformation rebutted. Want to help counter covid misinformation?

Exposing America’s Frontline Doctors and Their Financial Empire Built on Hydroxychloroquine

America's Frontline Doctos, founded by Simone Gold is simply a poorly concealed business designed to sell Hydroxychloroquine to gullible consumers

This Vaccine Has Been Wildly Successful

VACCINES HAVE SLASHED RATES OF HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS. Physicians began recommending the first vaccine for the remarkably common sexually transmitted HPV virus in 2006 in the United States.