The Path to COP29: How Preceding Meetings Will Shape Climate Negotiations

Several important meetings and conferences will shape the agenda and build momentum for COP29 throughout 2024 - these should be on your radar screens.

The 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will occur from November 11 to 22, 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. This crucial climate summit will bring together representatives from 198 countries and the European Union to make critical decisions on global climate issues. COP29 is being dubbed the “Finance COP” because it focuses on negotiating a new climate finance goal to replace the existing $100 billion annual commitment that expires in 2025.

The host country, Azerbaijan, has committed to ambitious climate goals, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2050 and increasing renewable power capacity to 30% by 2030. The COP29 Presidency’s plan is built on two pillars: enhancing ambition through national plans and transparency and enabling action through finance to reduce emissions, adapt to climate change, and address loss and damage.

The Path to COP29: Key Preceding Meetings

Several important meetings and conferences will shape the agenda and build momentum for COP29 throughout 2024:

UNFCCC Intersessional Meetings

Typically held in Bonn, Germany, these technical sessions allow negotiators to progress on critical issues away from the spotlight of the main conference. As climate policy expert Alden Meyer notes, “The intersessionals are where the real work gets done, away from the spotlight of the COP.”

Bonn Climate Change Conference

Held on June 3–13, 2024, this conference was a crucial stepping stone towards COP29. Around 6,000 delegates will gather to negotiate mechanisms for implementing previous agreements and draft formal recommendations for COP29. Key topics include climate finance, national climate action plans, just transition from fossil fuels, and adaptation strategies.

G7 and G20 Summits

These high-level meetings of major economies often result in climate-related commitments and financial pledges that significantly influence broader negotiations. The outcomes of these summits will likely set the tone for COP29, particularly regarding climate finance and emission reduction targets.

Regional Gatherings

Events like the African Climate Summit allow countries to align their positions and highlight region-specific challenges and solutions. These conferences often result in declarations that inform the global climate agenda.

UN General Assembly and Climate Week NYC

Held annually in September, these events provide a high-profile platform for world leaders to reaffirm their commitment to climate action. Speeches and announcements during this period can significantly influence the momentum leading into COP29.

Pre-COP Ministerial Meeting

This ministerial gathering is crucial for identifying potential roadblocks and finding common ground on contentious topics before COP29. Christina Figueres, former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, describes the Pre-COP as “a vital opportunity to take the political temperature and prepare the ground for successful negotiations.”

Specialised Conferences

Throughout the year, conferences focusing on renewable energy, biodiversity, and climate finance will contribute valuable insights to the COP29 process. For instance, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Assembly provides a platform for discussing the latest clean energy technologies and policy developments.

Scientific Gatherings

Meetings involving the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will provide the latest climate data and projections, informing the urgency and ambition of actions discussed at COP29.

Civil Society and Private Sector Events

These gatherings mobilise non-state actors and generate momentum for ambitious climate action, often producing innovative ideas and commitments that complement formal negotiations.

Key Issues and Expectations for COP29

As these preparatory meetings unfold, several critical themes are expected to emerge for COP29:

Negotiating a new climate finance goal to replace the $100 billion annual commitment

Increasing ambition in nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
Accelerating the transition to renewable energy
Addressing loss and damage mechanisms
Scaling up climate finance for developing countries
Implementing the outcomes of the Global Stocktake from COP28
Ensuring a just transition away from fossil fuels

The Road Ahead

The journey to COP29 is paved with crucial meetings and negotiations that will shape the summit’s outcomes. As the world grapples with escalating climate impacts, the pressure is mounting for COP29 to deliver concrete results. The conference in Baku represents a critical opportunity to set more ambitious climate targets and ensure these targets translate into tangible actions.

Azerbaijan’s commitment to renewable energy and emissions reduction sets an encouraging tone for the host country. However, the success of COP29 will depend on the collective will of all nations to address the urgent needs of climate-vulnerable countries and accelerate global climate action.

As Patricia Espinosa, former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, emphasised, “Governments cannot address climate change alone. We need all of society engaged and contributing to solutions.” The road to COP29 is a collaborative effort requiring the engagement of governments, civil society, the private sector, and individuals worldwide to drive meaningful progress in the fight against climate change.


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Christopher Nial
Christopher Nial
Christopher Nial is closely monitoring climate change impact on global public health. He serves as a Senior Partner at FINN Partners, is part of the Global Public Health Group, and co-leads public health initiatives across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
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