Knowledge Base




Blood, Types and ABO Testing

Blood groups explained, and how your blood works to provide life to your entire body. Understand donor compatibility and classification.

FBN1 gene, fibrillin 1

The FBN1 gene provides instructions for making a large protein called fibrillin-1. This protein is transported out of cells into the extracellular matrix, which is an intricate lattice of proteins and other molecules that forms in the spaces between cells.

Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAAT)

A nucleic acid test (NAT) is a technique used to detect genetic material (DNA or RNA) in analysed samples

The Complete A to Z of Long Haul Covid Symptoms. What you Need to Know

A complete list of symptoms for Long Haul Covid or Chronic Covid Syndrome. Educate yourself about the symptoms and seek help from qualified healthcare professionals