Dr. Patricia Farrell on Medika Life

Alzheimer’s New Gene Discovery May Prove Decisive in Early Diagnosis or Not. What CAN You Do?

Based on studies of twins, AD is thought to be passed down 70% of the time.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects 315 million people around the world, or 22% of people over 50. The number of people with AD has been rapidly rising over the past 30 years. The reasons for the increase are not absolutely clear, and many factors have been involved, including air pollution, lifestyle, genetic inheritance, and even lack of early childhood education. But even in the area of genetic inheritance, we still work in unknowns, but there may be some new findings that will prove valuable in both diagnosis and treatment.

Alzheimer’s disease is mostly marked by dementia that includes memory problems, cognitive problems, executive dysfunction, and changes in attitude and behavior. Most people with this disease also have signs of a mental disorder. Careful attention and medicine can help with these signs for a short time, but there are no specific ways to stop or cure Alzheimer’s disease.

Dementia mostly affects older people, and the rates of occurrence and prevalence rise with age. This is more common in low- and middle-income countries and places. It is putting a lot of stress on families and societies in terms of money and illness. What does this mean for you if you have someone in your family with AD?

Based on studies of twins, AD is thought to be passed down 70% of the time. Clinically diagnosed AD has found more than 70 genomic loci in people with mostly European heritage. The discovery of these new genomic loci must be taken with a grain of salt.

Let’s look at what genetic inheritance can and cannot do and what may affect it. Even if you had a gene for a specific illness, even a serious mental illness, it might never be what we call “expressed” because there are a variety of things that must coalesce to make that happen.

A cell’s gene expression code is similar to a cookbook. Essential for all bodily functions, each gene is a blueprint for the production of a particular protein. The frequency with which your genes are activated or deactivated, or expressed, depends on a number of conditions.

At birth, you have a blueprint for your genes in the form of your DNA. But environmental factors, including your diet, level of physical activity, and smoking status, can affect gene expression. You name it; it can be impacted by factors including the medications you take.

Also, your gene expression might alter with age or specific medical issues. Although your DNA cannot be changed, there are certain things that can be altered, such as your lifestyle and the environment in which you are born. You can use this to keep yourself healthy and control certain medical issues.

Stress is one of the factors that has been indicated to potentially push these genes to become evident in behaviors, but what else could do it? There are too many variables regarding what might cause it to flare up, and the problem becomes knowing you have a gene for something specific and wondering if you will ever experience it in a behavior of some type.

It is possible that more than a third of cases of dementia could be avoided. Getting kids to go to school and exercise more, keeping up with friends and family, smoking less or quitting altogether, and taking care of hearing loss, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity could all help avoid or delay dementia. There is also some early information about other risk factors that might be able to be changed.

What Does This Mean?

It is possible that further research based on these results may help diagnose and cure diseases in the future. Those who are concerned about the possibility of AD, or who have been found to have the genes, should consider the following:

1 Stay Informed: Learn about current research and developments in Alzheimer’s disease, the genetic basis of the disease, and how this can be managed through changes in lifestyle.

2. Talk about genetic risks. If your family has a history of Alzheimer’s disease, you should see your doctor about genetic testing to assess your risk.

3. Stick to the basics when it comes to keeping fit and avoiding illness — a healthy diet, regular exercise, keeping the mind active, and the control of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

4. Consider participating in research. It is important that more people from different backgrounds become a part of the study to help advance research and develop more personalized treatments.

5. Keep talking to your doctor. Genetic study is interesting, but the best way to handle health issues is to prevent them from happening in the first place through the help of current treatments. If there is anything that you have concerns about or what to do next, you should report it to your healthcare provider.

How Do Interventions Work?

Lifestyle: Engaging in mental exercises on a regular basis, such as solving puzzles, reading, or picking up new skills, can help build cognitive reserve and potentially postpone the start of symptoms.

Sleep: The brain is able to eliminate toxic proteins and consolidate memories when you maintain a quality sleep routine of seven to eight hours per night.

Stress management: Reduced cortisol levels, which can eventually harm brain cells, are one benefit of stress management practices like mindfulness and meditation.

Smoking and alcohol: Promoting brain health through avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol use helps to maintain adequate blood flow and reduce inflammationSmoking acts as a stress-reduction technique because nicotine is a natural substance reducing anxiety, but the downside is cancer.

Aerobic exercise promotes neuronal and synaptic growth by increasing blood flow to the brain, which carries oxygen and nutrients. By keeping insulin sensitivity high, resistance exercise protects against cognitive loss caused by diabetes and promotes overall brain health. Physical exercise improves clearance processes, which may lower beta-amyloid plaques, a characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. Regular moderate exercise, even for just 150 minutes a weekimproves cardiovascular health, decreases inflammation, and drastically reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Socialization: The brain’s neural connections and plasticity are both supported by the cognitive stimulation that occurs during regular social contact, which is a key component of socialization. Potentially as a result of less stress and a stronger feeling of purpose, those with strong social networks have slower rates of cognitive deterioration. One of the most effective ways to stave off cognitive loss is to participate in group activities that mix socializing with mental or physical demands. Dementia risk factors include social isolation; in fact, research suggests that those who are lonely may have twice the chance of getting Alzheimer’s as those who have strong social connections.

Diet: The anti-inflammatory features of the Mediterranean and MIND diets have been associated with a substantially reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. These diets are rich in leafy greens, berries, nuts, fish, and olive oil. Free radicals damage brain cells and contribute to cognitive loss; foods rich in antioxidants can neutralize these radicals.

Overall, despite any genetic inheritance, we may have more power over our cognition than we have been led to believe in the past. Regularly attending to the above points can improve our mental and physical health, as shown by research, and lead to positive outcomes.

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Pat Farrell PhD
Pat Farrell PhDhttps://medium.com/@drpatfarrell
I'm a licensed psychologist in NJ/FL and have been in the field for over 30 years serving in most areas of mental health, psychiatry research, consulting, teaching (post-grad), private practice, consultant to WebMD and writing self-help books. Currently, I am concentrating on writing articles and books.


Medika Editor: Mental Health

I'm a licensed psychologist in NJ/FL and have been in the field for over 30 years serving in most areas of mental health, psychiatry research, consulting, teaching (post-grad), private practice, consultant to WebMD and writing self-help books. Currently, I am concentrating on writing articles and books.

Patricia also acts in an editorial capacity for Medika's mental health articles, providing invaluable input on a wide range of mental health issues.

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