Member Registration

Please ensure you're registering for the correct account. Check alongside. You don't need to provide all your details now, as you can ammend these from your myAccount section.


Medika Pro Gregistration

This is your publicly displayed name on the Medika site

Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.

Tell us about your qualifications and current position

Tell us where you graduated?
Tell us about your fields of expertise and interest

If you would like your account validated by Medika, please check this box. A member of staff will contact you by email to provide certification information. Validated accounts increase public trust and your profile will display the validation link.

Validation is free and will be via email
for admin only

You can add information for a Practice or Business Interest below. This is optional but cannot be edited later unless included here.

All done, thank you. Please allow Medika a few hours, often sooner, to validate your account. You'll be notified and you can then log in to update your profile image and more.

Select your membership

For Patients and members of the Public

Free account for the Public

Medical and Healthcare Professionals

Free Account for Medical Professionals

Pharma and Medical Businesses

Free account for Business

Medika Editorial Team