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I am a practicing nutritionist with twenty-five years of experience in direct patient care. My areas of expertise include (but are not limited to) the following:  Testing and meal planning for food sensitivities and allergies  Nutrition care for IBS, celiac disease, SIBO, GERD, gastroparesis  Prevention/ nutrition care for CVD, hypertension, type II diabetes, cancer (plant forward, Mediterranean & DASH diet approaches)  Mindful eating for emotional overeating, support for disordered eating (patients are required to be working with a therapist and must be medically stable)  Nutrition guidance for pregnant/ nursing mothers  Nutritional support for menopausal women, osteoporosis, women’s health  Nutritional support for stress, anxiety and mood  Nutritional support for pain-related inflammatory disorders and autoimmunity In addition to being a nutritionist, I am a clinically trained herbalist with an extensive background
United States
MS Human Nutrition
University Attended
University of Bridgeport
Graduated Year
Fields of Interest
I am a practicing nutritionist with twenty-five years of experience in direct patient care. My areas of expertise include (but are not limited to) the following:  Testing and meal planning for food sensitivities and allergies  Nutrition care for IBS, celiac disease, SIBO, GERD, gastroparesis  Prevention/ nutrition care for CVD, hypertension, type II diabetes, cancer (plant forward, Mediterranean & DASH diet approaches)  Mindful eating for emotional overeating, support for disordered eating (patients are required to be working with a therapist and must be medically stable)  Nutrition guidance for pregnant/ nursing mothers  Nutritional support for menopausal women, osteoporosis, women’s health  Nutritional support for stress, anxiety and mood  Nutritional support for pain-related inflammatory disorders and autoimmunity In addition to being a nutritionist, I am a clinically trained herbalist with an extensive background
Alison Birks, MS, RH (AHG), CNS, CDN, Cert. Grief Counselor
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I offer Nutrition & Wellness Counseling. Work with me to improve your health through diet and lifestyle! During our first session together, we will discover your needs and goals through a detailed nutritional assessment. I will then suggest dietary changes, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies and other action items as needed. You will receive a written plan with all of my notes and your nutrition care plan. Follow up visits to be scheduled as needed to refine our nutrition care plan and address any necessary changes. I also offer Nutritional Genomics testing, Custom Herbal Formulas, Grief Education & Support.
P O Box 825
United States
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