Our Rai·son d'ê·tre
Learn more about who we are and why we do what we do.
Medika isn't simply another medical website, we are so much more.
To find out what drives us, carry on reading...

Medika is about far more than simply aggregating medical and scientific data and information. Our goal is to assist in mobilizing health and public health professionals toward a globally accessible, ethical, and equitable industry that places the needs of people and planet at the forefront.
We amplify the voices of medical professionals that seek positive reform within industry and we provide a platform to highlight injustice, inequality, and racial bias in medicine and sustainability. To that end we have created MOBILIZE™, an open platform to encourage discourse on a broad range of healthcare topics.
Additionally. Medika actively creates and pursues its own socially motivated health initiatives, such as the Global Memorial and Insulin4Life projects.
Most importantly, is our belief in the power of the group, of networks. Even the most driven, inspired, and motivated voices require a network of like-minded individuals. We seek to strengthen these networks and connect voices, facilitating the global expansion of a single entity, driven and fuelled by a desire for change.
We are not-for-profit and non-promotional. Medika.Life does not accept payment for reviewing and publishing articles. Content is reviewed by and determined by our editors. Medika.Life is a unique, independent operating unit of FINN Partners and maintains independent voice and objectivity.

MOBILIZE™ health
Nothing is ever perfect. That doesn't mean we should accept it, but rather strive for improvement, guided always by the primary goals of medicine.
To first do no harm, to heal and to serve the communities we call home, wherever these may be.
Across the globe, systemic inequalities still permeate the medical profession. Patients still struggle to access basic life saving medications and racial and social profiling affects the delivery of health. If we have learned anything in the world of Black Lives Matter it is that change is eminently achievable.
Health care platforms are incredibly complex eco-systems and changes can often have dramatic and unforeseen consequences. For instance, mass vaccination programs can lead to unsustainable demands on unrelated health care services.
Saving lives at the expense of others is not in our opinion, a sustainable solution. Medika seeks to evaluate processes with due consideration for these closed systems and inter-dependencies.
If you feel you would like to highlight an issue within the industry, please reach out to us, and we will work with you to create a space on MOBILIZE™ where you and other health care professionals can initiate an open discussion.
Explore current topics on MOBILIZE™ by following the link below. You may discover a lot of kindred souls and numbers provide the impetus for change! Please note that only registered members of Medika Pro can comment on the platform.

Exactly what it says on the can. Medika creates in house projects to promote issues we care about and that impact lives in important ways. It isn't just medical health that matters, our mental well being is critical, perhaps now, more than ever.
The Covid pandemic has made it all the more simpler to overlook our individual importance as daily statistics turn real lives into numbers.Each life we've lost counted, each life mattered and to underscore this, Medika created The Global Memorial Project. Learn more from the link below.
America is one of the most expensive countries in the world when it comes to Insulin pricing. No price control exists in terms of essential life-saving medication and whilst big pharma profits, diabetics across America suffer and die as they cannot access the one lifesaving drug essential to their health. Insulin.
Insulin4Life is a new Medika project that will lobby for and raise awareness of the plight of many diabetics in the USA. particularly with regards to the way in which disadvantaged sectors of the community are discriminated against with pricing mechanisms. Wealth should not be a prerequisite to health.

Does our Mission statement resonate with you? If you feel our goals and ambitions are aligned with those of your business, why not reach out and let's explore how our synergy can contribute to more equitable healthcare.
To discuss a potential partnership, please use the link below to access an introductory form, and let's get the ball rolling. We partner with a diverse range of businesses from various sectors, not only the healthcare industry.