Did you know that high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) can make itself known on your face and around your eyes?
You may have noticed “bumps” on your eyelids or around the eyes of others and wondered what on earth are those? They are called xanthelasmas. Xanthelasmas are soft, cholesterol-filled raised “bumps” that develop under the skin, on or around your eyelids, and close to your nose.
These yellow raised deposits are a side effect of having high levels of lipids in your blood. Xanthelasmas may not be harmful initially, but they can gradually worsen, cause pain, and detract from your good looks!
They may also signal a more serious underlying health problem.
We are bombarded with information on healthy eating and on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We’ve heard about the impact of cholesterol on our hearts and the importance of keeping our cholesterol in check.
Medical professionals constantly caution us against eating certain foods, and we are encouraged to consume the foods that will help to lower our cholesterol levels.
They are raised yellowish papules caused by the localized accumulation of lipid deposits commonly seen around the eyelids.
They occur in approximately 4% of the population. Xanthelasmas are prevalent in 1.1% in females and 0.3% in males.
These eye deposits can begin to make their appearance between the ages of 15 and 73 years, although an increased appearance is usually seen during the fortieth and sixtieth years of life.
More than 50% of these cases are associated with underlying hyperlipidemia. These fatty deposits also gradually become larger over time and begin to cause discomfort.
If these cholesterol deposits present prior to the age of 40 years, it requires a prompt screening by your physician to rule out any acute underlying inherited disorders of lipoprotein metabolism.
Genes are powerful, they play a major role in who, how, and why we function the way we do. Another huge component is nature versus nurture. We often inadvertently learn habits that are are not the best for the genes we inherited. Familial hypercholesterolemia is an inherited trait characterized by very high levels of cholesterol in the blood.
In the case of hypercholesterolemia, the foods we eat along with our genetic predisposition can wreak havoc on our physical bodies and our mind.
High cholesterol can predispose us to develop a form of heart disease called Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) at a young age.
Coronary Artery Disease develops when excess cholesterol is in the bloodstream and deposits in the walls of our blood vessels, particularly the arteries that supply blood to the heart (coronary arteries).
This buildup of cholesterol forms clumps (plaques) that narrow and harden the arterial walls. This, of course, presents issues when these vessels need to be pliable and malleable to allow blood and nutrients and the elimination of waste.
If the vessels harden a myriad of health issues will follow.
Anyone may get cholesterol deposits around their eyes. But this condition is most common in people with a lipid disorder called dyslipidemia.
People with this disorder have too many lipids in their bloodstreams, such as triglycerides and certain forms of cholesterol.
You may have dyslipidemia if you have any of the following conditions:
There are various other factors that can cause you to have too many lipids in your bloodstream, and in turn, you can develop xanthelasma around your eyes. Some causes are genetic, meaning you cannot do much to prevent them. Other causes are the result of lifestyle choices or the side effects of some medications.
Genetic causes may include:
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is produced in the body and obtained from foods that come from animals (particularly egg yolks, meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products). The body needs this substance to build cell membranes, make certain hormones, and produce compounds that aid in fat digestion.
In people with familial hypercholesterolemia, the body is unable to get rid of extra cholesterol, and it builds up in the blood. Too much cholesterol increases a person’s risk of developing heart disease.
Some conditions such as kidney disease, hypothyroidism, and diabetes mellitus can also contribute to the development of cholesterol deposits. That’s because these conditions can increase lipid concentration in your blood. Often the cause of dyslipidemia is unknown.
Your doctor will ask you when you first noticed the yellow spots and whether they’ve changed since you noticed them. They may be able to make a diagnosis from a visual exam because xanthelasma has a distinctive appearance.
Your doctor may also want to know if you have a medical history of dyslipidemia. They may look for risk factors of the condition such as diet and genetics. They may also do a blood panel test to determine your lipid levels.
Your doctor may be able to remove the cholesterol deposits. There are a few different methods they may use:
For any procedure, it’s important to monitor your recovery. Note any side effects you experience, and let your doctor know about them at your next appointment.
Xanthelasma has a high recurrence rate, especially in cases of surgical excision or severe hyperlipidemia.So watch that cholesterol!
The underlying cause of xanthelasma may be dyslipidemia, so your doctor may also recommend lifestyle changes to help manage lipids in your bloodstream. That’s because the underlying cause of xanthelasma may be dyslipidemia. Controlling the number of lipids in your blood may help reduce your risk of developing future deposits.
Your doctor may also prescribe medication that manages triglycerides or cholesterol.
Xanthelasmas result from fatty deposits that build up around your eye. It can occur in people of all ages, but most often occurs in middle-aged and older adults. Xanthelasmas are generally not painful, but they can gradually build up and cause more discomfort if left untreated.
Xanthelasma can be treated through a variety of techniques. Your doctor may also recommend creating a plan that addresses the underlying cause of it, which is often dyslipidemia.
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