The VA takes trauma-informed design to heart, incorporating patient-centered technology and features throughout its facilities and patient rooms - it…
HIMSS - World's top health IT society takes on pressing policy and patient care issues - AI, cybersecurity, info democratization…
Some Conferences Attract the Edgy Ideas of Tomorrow – ViVE 2024 Attracts the Champions of Change Needed Now
Israel and Hamas are close geographically and worlds apart in mindset—the role of hope and hate in setting national priorities…
Our planet is doomed unless we address climate change. That is the refrain science would have you believe, but is…
During the pandemic, almost every American was subjected to a PCR test, sometimes on multiple occasions. Where are your data…
Weapons of war, such as AR-15s, have no place in people’s home arsenals. Its bullet's caliber rips its target apart…
Galen Growth issues a special report prepared for ViVE2023 that shifts from its usual global 30,000 feet analysis to a…
In 2020 in the U.S., the maternal mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black women was 55.3 deaths per 100,000 live births,…
To suggest patients can influence the machine that drives modern healthcare is naïve and indicative of a flawed understanding of…
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