Habits for Healthy Minds




10-Year-Old Killers Are Responsible for Their Actions?

Should society hold children who murder accountable for such acts?

Self-indulgent Are Scamming the System with “Emotional Support” Animals

The smiling older woman proceeded to briskly walk through the automatic doors of the pharmacy, her tiny dog wearing a red vest, bravely attempting...

Importance of Social Wellness: Enhancing Well-Being Through Connection

Exercising in a group setting has a unique energy. Whether it’s a yoga class, a dance workout, or a boot camp session, the camaraderie and shared motivation can significantly enhance our social wellness.

Rock-Solid Nutrition: Eat Like “The Rock”

You may not want to become a bodybuilder, professional wrestler, or massive entertainer. Still, I’ll bet there is something you can learn from the Rock.