
Obesity Touches Everything

Considering that over 40% of U.S. adults have obesity and there are fewer than ten thousand obesity medicine specialists, PCPs…

9 months ago

Psychiatry Is Turning to Nutrition in a New Appreciation of Food as “Medicine”

What was once “old” is now “new” again, and that includes food-related remedies for illness, both physical and mental.

2 years ago

Psychiatry Has an Identity Crisis, and It’s a Problem for Patients

A subspecialty of medicine, psychiatry is caught in a scientific and philosophical wilderness and is attempting to find its way.

2 years ago

The Time Is Now to Closely Question Psychiatry’s “Bible” — the DSM

Diagnosis and a clear-cut nosology are vital for treatment, but overdiagnosing leads to a needless waste of resources and insurance reimbursement —…

3 years ago

Suicidology Is Corrupted by Researchers Who Say Things That Aren’t in Their Data

Journals are a big part of the problem of misrepresented or misinterpreted data. They seduce researchers with temptations that they…

4 years ago

Drugs are Rapidly Becoming Healthcare’s Greatest Burden

Drugs have become our fallback for almost everything. Practitioners in general are massively guilty of doling them out as a…

4 years ago

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