Editors Choice

Netflix Can Wait, Your Heart Can’t

Have you heard this quote?

It’s from Lao Tzu, a major figure in Chinese philosophy.

He may or may not have existed.

But this founding father of Taoism is alleged to have opined:

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Today, I offer you an echo in the latest health research.

I will leave the 10,000-step challenges behind and offer a new study suggesting that even a modest 4,000 steps a day can lead to a healthier, longer life.

Photo by Kevin O’Connor on Unsplash

Today, I gently remind you that every step counts and every stroll matters.

Let’s move on to the new study showing that daily walking just under 4,000 steps reduces the risk of premature death from any cause, including cardiovascular disease.

4,000 Steps to Cardiovascular Goodness

Here’s how we know you can step your way to better cardiovascular health.

Researchers analyzed 17 studies that examined the number of steps individuals took (typically over a week) and checked their health outcomes after about seven years.

The findings?

Walking just under 4,000 steps each day reduced the risk of early death from any cause (including cardiovascular disease such as heart attack or stroke).

But, More Steps Provide Even More Benefit

The more steps you take each day, the less likely you are to suffer a premature death.


This last observation is especially true for those taking more than 3,867 steps per day for any cause of death and more than 2337 steps for death from heart problems.

  • Every 1000 steps (above 3867) was associated with a 15 percent drop in all-cause mortality.
  • Every 500 steps (above 3867) was associated with a 7 percent in cardiovascular mortality.

My Take

This meta-analysis is the first to examine step count, age, sex, and regional differences (based on weather zones).

Moreover, it is the first study to assess the effects of up to 20,000 daily steps on outcomes, confirming this: The more, the better.

Still, there is no threshold for the number of steps for health promotion.

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

This meta-analysis does not prove that the steps caused the drop in the risk of developing diseases and dying.

Perhaps healthier individuals walk more throughout the day.

Moreover, since the study analyzed a vast number of subjects, we can not say that you (as an individual) will get the same benefits.

There is nothing magical about 3867 steps.

Just move.

Actionable: 3 Tips to Get More Steps

I’ll end with three tips to help you get more steps:

  1. Take short walking breaks during work hours: I set a reminder to take a 5–10-minute walk every hour or so. For me, this practice involves walking around the office, climbing a few stairs, or simply pacing on a phone call.
  2. Use a step tracker to monitor daily progress: I have a wearable fitness tracker and a smartphone app to keep track of my daily step count. Setting a daily goal and monitoring my progress motivates me to increase my activity levels.
  3. Find enjoyable walking routes: I explore different walking routes in my neighborhood, local parks, and nature trails. Diverse and appealing walking environments make walking more enjoyable and encourage me to exercise regularly.
Michael Hunter, MD

I received an undergraduate degree from Harvard, a medical degree from Yale, and trained in radiation oncology at the University of Pennsylvania. I practice radiation oncology in the Seattle area.

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