Press Release




Eggshell-based surgical material for skull injuries

A bioactive polymer-ceramic composite for fixing implants and restoring bone defects in the skull was developed by an international group of materials scientists

TaiGen files US IND for its influenza antiviral TG-1000

TaiGen Biotechnology Company, announced today that it has filed an IND application with the US FDA for its influenza antiviral TG-1000.

Study Reveals Networks of Genes Involved in Congenital Heart Disease

Over two million babies, children, and adults in the United States are living with congenital heart disease—a range of birth defects affecting the heart's structure or function

U.S. Prepares Launch of a National Three-Digit Number for the Mental Health Crisis Hotline

As the federal government prepares to launch the national three-digit number “988” for the mental health crisis hotline next month, a new KFF analysis shows that suicide death rates increased by 12 percent in the decade from 2010 to 2020 — with death rates rising the fastest among people of color, younger individuals, and people who live in rural areas.