Press Release




KFF Survey Shows Complexity, Red Tape, Denials, Confusion Rivals Affordability as a Problem for Insured Consumers, With Some Saying It Caused Them to Go...

Most Consumers Across Types of Insurance Had a Problem with Their Coverage in the Past Year, Including About Three-Quarters of Those Who Used a Lot of Care or Received Mental Health Services

MMI SpA Launches Breakthrough Technology in Robotic Microsurgery

The Symani Surgical System combines the benefits of tremor reduction and motion scaling (7-20x) with the world's smallest wristed instrumentation, offering seven degrees of freedom and dexterity

Meet The World’s First Fully Transparent Surgical Mask

ClearMask™ is the world's first FDA-cleared, fully transparent surgical mask that can be used in hospitals, clinics, schools, retail, hospitality, and other settings. The mask is optimized for maximum clarity and comfort

MITRE-Harris Poll Survey Finds Half of Patients in the US Feel Ignored or Doubted When Seeking Medical Treatment

A new survey finds 52 percent of individuals feel their symptoms are “ignored, dismissed, or not believed” when seeking medical treatment. That number rises to 6-in-10 within the Hispanic community.