Sexual Health




Are Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine Practices Too Expensive?

Are Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine Practices Too Expensive? No, They Actually Save You Money While They Keep You Healthy.

Lover, the App That Helps Women Reach Orgasm

There are tens of millions of women in the U.S. who have never had an orgasm or who are almost always left feeling unfulfilled by their sexual encounters

Beat Vaginal Dryness and Painful Intercourse. 8 Tips for Better Lubrication

Vaginal dryness resulting in painful intercourse affects 50–70% of women after menopause. A lack of lubrication is the most common cause.

Global Wellness Summit Charts $4.4 Trillion Sector Impacting Longevity

The Global Wellness Summit Charts the $4.4 trillion sector that Impacts Longevity. Wellness – It’s No Longer Just Nuts, Granola, Spas and Yoga