Mental Health




Exercise Could Be the New Wonder “Drug” for Health and Longevity

Sedentary lifestyles may be the cause of many health issues and shorten our lives, and new research is pointing toward the "cure"—exercise.

Does Mindfulness Slow Cell Aging?

STRESS, DEPRESSION, PAIN, and more. Let’s explore what mindfulness meditation can do for your mind and health. Who amongst us does not experience stress? Unfortunately, chronic...

If You Don’t Want Chronic Pain, Focus on What You DO Want.

The life I live today is not perfectly pain-free, happy, or balanced 100% of the time. Instead, it’s something so much more fulfilling and rewarding to me than a life centered around being “pain-free.”

Early-onset Alzheimer’s and Its Misdiagnosis Tragedies

One current theory is that this type of Alzheimer’s may be familial, but a similar form is found in those with Down Syndrome. Estimates suggest that 50 percent or more of people with Down syndrome will develop dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease as they age.