Alternate Health




Depression Scales and IQ Measures Fail Some Who Need Help the Most

Psychological testing has a circuitous and questionable path to widespread acceptance as a reliable evaluation tool. The question posed for mental evaluation designed by Alfred Binet, i.e.,...

Like Dark Chocolate or Black Coffee? Here’s Why

I LIKE DARK, ARGUABLY BITTER CHOCOLATE. If you join me in this preference, you are more likely to prefer your coffee black. New research suggests...

When It Comes to the Future of HLTH – Life Is Not a Las Vegas Roulette Wheel

The Gambling Capital of the World is an Ideal Setting for Health-Sector Predictions

Even Light Exercise May Drop Dementia Risk

LET’S CUT TO THE CHASE — a new study demonstrates an association between light-intensity physical activity in older adults and a lower risk of dementia. While the...