Clinical Trials




Colchicine Shows 48% Reduction in Future Cardio Issues for Heart Attack Victims

Early, in-hospital treatment with colchicine reduces the odds of future cardiovascular problems by 48% in people who have just survived a heart attack

It’s Time for New Tools to Overcome Smoking

Yesterday marked the 36th year that the world observed World No Tobacco Day. This relatively obscure milestone masks a stalled effort to curb consumption of combustible cigarettes and other nicotine-related products. It’s unlikely most people paid any attention. But the impact of smoking is all around us, even if we don’t see it. Statistics rarely tell a provocative story to compel people to action.

Texas: Endometriosis Clinical Study Participants – Women’s Health

Apply to Cedar Health to participate in a clinical study about Endometriosis. This study is restricted to women. Endometriosis is a serious

Texas: Migraine Clinical Study Participants – Men and Women

Apply to Cedar Health to participate in a clinical study about Migraines. This study is open to both male and female participants. Migraines