Looking good and feeling healthy are two things most of us would agree we want, and we should act to…
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR: THE “DIRTY DOZEN” fruits and vegetables proclamation. Let’s look at this annual (and controversial) ranking of…
I RECENTLY READ ABOUT THE "DIRTY DOZEN," a group of pesticide-containing fruits and vegetables. The Environmental Working Group gives us a "dirty…
DO YOU USE BATH OR SHOWER OILS? What is the evidence that this indulgence helps improve dry skin? Today, we explore…
The risks pregnant mothers expose both themselves and their unborn child to through the continued use of commercial hair dyes…
This is used to evaluate for an underlying trigger/agent in individuals who develop contact dermatitis. Examples of contact dermatitis is…
RAST s a blood test using radioimmunoassay test to detect specific IgE antibodies, to determine the substances a patient is…
Epipen® is an intramuscular auto-injector that administers a single measured dose of Epinephrine (you probably know this as Adrenaline)
Though there are several distinct types of eczema, it is possible to have more than one type at a time.…
Nummular eczema (also known as discoid eczema and nummular dermatitis) is a form of eczema that can occur at any…
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