Based on studies of twins, AD is thought to be passed down 70% of the time.
A study shows that people with cancer may have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias.
Both short-term and long-term exposure to wildfire smoke and other pollutants like ozone and diesel emissions can cause inflammation in…
The VA takes trauma-informed design to heart, incorporating patient-centered technology and features throughout its facilities and patient rooms - it…
Here are 10 health-sector developments—not ranked—to watch in the coming year, determined by media coverage, reader interest, and personal interest.
One of my friends suffers from migraine headaches. If she does not get medicine on board immediately with symptom onset,…
New Non-Profit Organization Focuses on Early-Stage Sponsored Research and Venture Philanthropy to Advance Human Health and Well-being
People ages 60 and above with untreated high blood pressure may be at greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Remember the maiden told to “let down your hair” so the prince could climb up to reach her? Yup, there’s…
Look at how athletes can develop confidence, maintain control under pressure, and prioritize their mental health.
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