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Will Health Centers Become A Casualty of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The coronavirus pandemic has again laid bare stark racial and economic inequalities in the United States. People of color and the working poor have suffered disproportionately

Wadhwani Foundation $1 Million In Grants for Covid Families in India

Wadhwani Foundation Announces $1 Million In Grants To Immediately Help Indian Families Impacted By Covid-19. Donations to 10 charities and organizations will provide medical and financial assistance to patients and families to help reduce the devastating impact and slow COVID-19 spread.

HealthTap Launches Care Orchestration to Drive Timely Use of Employee Benefits

With Care Orchestration, HealthTap doctors maximize the value of employee benefits through recommendations at point-of-care

Four Ways COVID has Changed Health Tech

Like most tech lovers, I’m excited about the upcoming CES conference.  I won’t be attending in person but will be watching it very closely...