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Kids’ Cell Phones Are Seen as Causing Too Many Problems: Is It Valid?

Data often pushes changes when technology makes it imperative that we do so, and today, we are seeing something we've never seen before; the...

Salmon Is Taking Center Stage in Kids’ Personality Disorders

Research is broadening its attention to dietary supplements and foods to address several disorders, and the latest is for kids with schizotypal personalities.

mRNA Technology, Human DNA and The Traffic Flow of Genetic Material

Can RNA from a SARS-Cov2 infection find its way into our DNA. A recent preprint suggests reasons why genetic viral material is showing up in PCR tests

Is Innovation an Overused Idea? ViVE is Home to Real-World Health-System Evolution!

Some Conferences Attract the Edgy Ideas of Tomorrow – ViVE 2024 Attracts the Champions of Change Needed Now