Ethics in Practice




Tennessee Fires Top Doctor Over Vaccine Policy and She Is Not Holding Back

Dr. Michelle Fiscus, the top vaccine official in Tennessee, was fired for promoting the Covid-19 for teenagers to reduce the risk in schools.

India Questions New Dehli’s Changes to National Vaccination Program

India has just made radical changes to its national vaccine strategy that will lead to widespread vaccine discrimination and inequality, price gouging and a bidding war between states

Medical Bias and the “Stupid, Old Patient Syndrome” That Infects Healthcare Workers

Healthcare discrimination can be seen in “one out of five adults over the age of 50 years (who) experience bias in healthcare settings.

Once-Resistant Rural Court Officials Begin to Embrace Medications to Treat Addiction

DANDRIDGE, Tenn. — Rachel Solomon and judges hadn’t been on the best of terms. Then Judge O. Duane Slone “dumbfounded” her. Solomon was given...