



Primary Bone Cancer

Several different kinds of tumors can grow in bones: primary bone tumors, which form from bone tissue and can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous), and metastatic tumors

My Life-Changing Journey With Stem Cell Therapy

The Issue Have you ever thought you were physically more robust, flexible, and agile than in reality? I had convinced myself of this falsehood in...

Being Sensitive Doesn’t Mean You’re Broken

So, if you’re someone who seems to be highly sensitized to stress, you might get the impression that there’s something “wrong” with you. (Spoiler alert: there’s not.)

Is Bone Loss a Male Problem, Too?

WITH OSTEOPOROSIS, THE BONES BECOME WEAK and brittle. Fall, and you may suffer a bone break. Even minimal activity such as bending over or coughing may...